copyright registration.

The copyright of the following works can be registered under the principle of voluntariness of applicants, including computer software, literarv works, oral works, music, drama, Chinese opera, dance, acrobatics, fine arts, architecture works, photography works, movie works and the works with similar shooting methods, engineering design drawings, product design drawings, maps, schematic diagrams and other graphic and model works, and other works specified in laws and administrative regulations. In addition, we undertake the registration of matters related to copyright, authorized matters of all kinds of works (excluding computer software), audio, video, and other matters related to copyright, designated by National Copyright Administration and registered in the center.
Works copyright registration Computer software registration

Chose the fast channel for copyright registration

The importance of copyright registration

The Process of the copyright registration

The required documents for the copyright registration

Works copyright registration

  • Application form

  • The works

  • The specification of works

  • The power of attorney

  • The statement of guarantee of the rights

  • The business registration or the identification of the applicant

  • The ownership certificate of the copyright


Computer copyright registration

  • 1

    Application form

  • 2

    The source code

  • 3

    The specification of the software

  • 4

    The power of attorney

  • 5

    The business registration of the applicant

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Copyright Service

Price (including official fee):    USD:

The type of copyright :


Power of Attorney: Signed by applicant, no need notarization

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